I am writing this article to raise awareness about student's legal right to opt-out of CASSP testing this upcoming week. For students like me with high levels of anxiety, I seek to help students [...]
As technological advancements have revolutionized every aspect of society- from community interactions to the ways students learn- consequences do arise, without a doubt. However, the plethora of [...]
My summer couldn’t have been filled with more eye opening educational experiences. I decided to apply to journalism and creative writing programs in England and New York, where my favorite [...]
As a lover, fan, and devout reader of English Literature, I thought Oxford would be the ideal destination to examine the local attitude towards the literary masterpieces of Britain. With eclectic [...]
Speaking up is an action that empowers, liberates, and instills confidence in us. Yet, strings interwoven with fear and anxiety chain us into our safe zone-- silence. These strings bind us, [...]
Wow. I am in utter disbelief. It was Pittsburgh and now Poway– another synagogue shooting, another anti semitic crime. This happened not only in my country, but in my city, in my very own [...]
This past weekend, a tragedy occurred not only within the Jewish American Community, but in humanity. It was the deadliest Anti Semitic crime targeting Jews in United States History.
During a [...]
In the United States, the first amendment protects the right to freedom of religion, freedom to assemble, freedom of the press, and the freedom of speech. However, surrounding these liberties are [...]
In this era, excellence is often measured by reputation and appearances. Decisions are often made by the rumors that permeate the air and the gust of prestige some affluent families may look for. [...]